Thursday, February 3, 2011

Suzuki in the snow

Welcome all you snowy New Englanders
Well I’m not going to say it; ok I will are you tired of the snow, and Ice lol
            I had some picture as a screen saver on my computer of the recent snow all over the cars and yard, and someone ask me if I was crazy for putting them up,, She said “aren’t you tired of see all the snow!” that’s funny because three weeks ago she was all excited about the snow, “oh I love it she said I can’t wait for more!”
         Funny how she changes her tune now that it keeps snowing every five days or so and she can’t see over the snow mounds to get out of the driveway… She loves skiing and said she couldn’t get enough of the stuff before
                  She has a Toyota and it’s not doing well in the snow, she keeps getting stuck in the snow. She really is getting aggravated , I smile and tell her Debbie’s Suzuki SX4 Crossover never has problems in  the snow and she check into getting one , her job involves driving all day long with all this snow it would be a good idea.
               I was telling her how Deb and I drove all over the place yesterday in the snow and Ice and didn’t have any problems,,,, Deb loves her car she bought it in August and fell in love with it right away. Here is a picture of it.

Here is the web site if anyone is interested
Well that’s it for now everyone be careful driving out there today.

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